The main site is offline at the moment.
This is a placeholder for
Social media and where to get our stuff:
Updated October 5, 2020
Hey everyone! It's been a long time! I hope everyone is getting through these tumultuous times as happy, safe and sane as possible!
Although we're not sure what the future timeline will be we do know a few things here at Hudson Falcons HQ.
1-We have enough new songs for 2 new releases. More information over the next few weeks
2-We will be hitting the road as soon as it's safe enough to do so. Not sure when that's going to be, but it will happen
We're in the middle of updating the merch page with any shirts we have in stock with available sizes.
Please follow or hit us up on Facebook, Twitter or email
We hope to see you all on the road soon! Until then -
stay hard, stay hungry and stay alive!